Monday, October 31, 2011

Wanna Save the World with Me?

I love life! & I really do want to save the world.... however, to do this I must save myself first. My blog is a journey/journal of my life & my deterioration......& of my commitment to take back my health & my life! I invite you to join me on this journey.

So, welcome to my blog! Be patient with me please as I am just beginning …..... just figuring this out.   Now, you may ask why am I doing this? Well, I
  • am tired of being limited, fatigued..... & need to improve the quality of my life.
  • know that I am cuter than how I appear at this time!
  • want my energy to go towards performing important work (like saving the world) not towards “just making it” from one day to the next.
  • am much too young to be experiencing so much instability & feel sure that through exercises etc I can improve my gate.
  • have nieces & nephews in the midwest who I have never met & want to meet, but I must become healthy for this to happen.
  • am tired of being embarrassed......& sad. I want to be more alive...while alive.
  • want to walk through the doors & open the windows available to me.
  • wish to live in less confining this world.

Many people need to get healthy.....certainly healthier. But getting healthier can mean so many different things......going to certain places less, changing the way we talk, walk or interact with others, gambling less, drinking less......doing whatever we do that is putting ourselves or the people around us in jeopardy. Who we hang with, what we do, when we do it....all of this is important. So we make changes towards a different way of living. But I am beginning this journey having made this commitment, it's frightening how vulnerable I feel, how alone I know I am.

In the end I know that I will be taking this journey alone. I will change my life or I will fail. I am inviting you to come with me on my journey of success or failure. I know I know....the attempt is success in & of itself. But let's face it, when you really need to make significant changes this beginning is not enough. … me this beginning just doesn't feel like success.....not yet. So here I am at my second chance. The doors & windows that cry out to be opened are in front of me. I just need to do what I know to be right.
 Also please note:
Along the way I will be sharing with you thoughts that I have about life and/or my life journey.