Tuesday, November 22, 2011

At What Times in My Life Do I Feel Powerful?

So many things can be said but really, it comes down to this: I feel most powerful when I act & when I communicate from my authentic self. Doing so allows me to connect with my deepest feelings. Also when I'm living in my authentic self, my emotions will be the most profound.
 What is your authentic self you might ask? Its the self you hide. We hide our authentic selves behind manners and societal expectations.  We hide because we are afraid to reveal ourselves completely.
 I believe we are all so fearful of revealing our true selves to others.
When we are being our authentic selves, we aren't following a pre-concieved plan but acting or speaking on the spot, based on what we really feel and think.
In sharing my thoughts with you I've discussed issues on hope, power, the world around us, choices, and healthy living. I hope you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with me. In fact I encourage you to do so. 

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